The 7th BioPhysical Economics meeting
The 7th BioPhysical Economics meeting was held during June 26-29, 2016 in University of the District of Columbia, collocated with the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 2016 conference. Research in the field of BioPhysical Economics (BPE) is presented in both BPE sessions and joint BPE/EE sessions. The sessions topics include: Social Energetics – Connecting Natural and Social Sciences; Energy Return on Investment (EROI); Energy and Economics – Is there symbiosis? ; Entropy, Information and Economics; Macro Perspective – BioPhysical Economics; ASPO- Assessment of Peak Oil; Money, Capital and Energy Resources; Integrating BPE and Policy; Wealth Dynamics – Statistical/ Mathematical Economics; BioPhysical Resource Analysis and Modeling; BPE and Developing Nations; Modeling Sustainability and Implementation. Sessions are attended by scholars of different research backgrounds, from different parts of all over the world. Collision of distinguished thoughts happened in the meeting and heated discussions were presented. As an import part of the conference, the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISPBE) Membership Meeting was held in the afternoon of June 28th. Charlie Hall and Jessica Lambert served as moderators and firstly summarized the development of ISBPE during the past one year.